How to teach or coach the three-out two-in-wide basketball offensive maneuversCoaches today are faced with a smorgasbord of offensive ideas. I believe that most offenses will effectively work in proper situations with good timing, spacing and execution. The dilemma, however, comes in choosing which offense sets work best for your team. Seldom do all players who start on a team have similar abilities. Therefore, the coach should use the positive attributes of each in selecting the offensive patterns. The three-out-two-in with players set wide is an excellent offense for a team composed of smaller players. Such a mix of players should incorporate aggressive defensive tactics as an offensive weapon. The offensive pattern you choose depends upon your player’s speed, ball handling, and ability to penetrate toward the basket. Offenses that begin from this structure are five players outside and a five man weave. A three-out-two-in set will get many good medium-range shots when three players coordinate their movements using inside screens. It is especially effective at getting good medium range shots for your best shooter. Any one of the five players can be set up for this. Get one for your best medium range shooter Here is what you can do to get a shot for offensive player 5; however, read the defense. His scoring opportunity could come earlier rather the shot over a double screen. His teammate, 2, could have passed the ball and 5 could take his man one on one or in case of ball denial, hit 5 on a back door cut. If neither opportunity is available, the following play is executed by passing the ball to player to his right.
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