How to teach the one-handed driving lay-up basketball shotThe one-hand driving lay-up shot is most important shot in fast break basketball; therefore, it is the most fundamental part of shooting because most scoring of the fast break comes from this shot. Approaching the basket from the right side teach the shooter to grasp the ball in both hands as his right foot hits the floor, keeping the body between the ball and defender. (When approaching the basket from the left side, reverse the technique.) Teach them to jump as high as they can, keeping eye contact with a spot six inches above, and slightly right of the basket, where he should place the ball. Come down hard on the left foot, and propel sharply upward with the right knee, carrying the ball in both hands as high as possible with the right hand behind the ball, wrist cocked and facing the basket, and the left hand in front, wrist away from the basket. This last step is a shorter step that enables the shooter to convert his forward motion into vertical jumping thrust. At the top of the high jump, with both arms above your head erect, eyes fixed on a spot high above and to the right of the basket, allow the left hand to fall away. Your right arm, wrist, and fingers extend to place the ball against the sighted point in a motion similar to that of trying to grasp the rim from a running start without the ball. The backboard should be used for lay-ups approached from the side. After completing his follow-through, the shooter lands with hips down, knees bent, and body weight low, ready to rebound, or go on defense. If you have your players follow this form constantly in practice, they will learn to make the shot automatically. Drills for teaching the basketball driving lay-up
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