Basketball Coaching Methods
Years ago, you could get a coaching job simply because of your ability to excel in a particular sport. Since those olden days, the basketball coaching professions has made great strides, and now demands more than athletic reputation. True, that qualification is an asset, but isn't enough.
Also, an acceptable philosophy of basketball coaching is necessary, but that still is not enough. Another important qualification is the ability to teach. I contend a combination of all the above qualifications should make a good coach.
The Guide to Coaching Basketball Web site deals with coaching methods, plays, drills, and philosophy in relation to coaching basketball throughout the past eighty years. Coaching methods are closely related with the ability to teach. Do you, as a basketball coach, have a scientific approach in your coaching methods? Are you interested in research? These are a couple of questions often asked of prospective coaches in search of a job.
Coaches, today, must be good teachers. Competition brings out the best in all of us. Due to the intensity of public interest in their work, basketball coaches are checked and double checked every week.
Educators often say that the best teachers are found in the coaching profession. Present-day coaches, in my personal opinion, understand the learning processes better than we ever did in the past. Here are some of the steps you can apply to your method of coaching basketball: 1. Keep an open mind and the will to learn. 2. Separate parts of the offense and use them as drills. 3. Use simplified fundamental drills. 4. Use both the whole and part method in your coaching. 5. Learn from experiences. 6. Use progression in teaching fundamentals. 7. Be analytical and use corrective methods. 8. Use proper progression in organizing your team. 9. Use stimulating and interesting methods. 10. Make your drills competitive. 11. Repeat things over and over.
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