How to coach and teach the basketball 3-2 zone half-court defenseThe strength of the three-two-zone defense is the mobility of the front line, which must attack opponents aggressively. They attempt to cause misplays, violations, and bad passes. It is an excellent defense to fast break from. In Diagram 3-2 (1), X1, X2, and X3 should be the three quickest players, because they are expected to make the most defensive movements and slides. Because he has to drop into the middle foul-lane area frequently and, of the three front-line players, most likely be in the best rebounding position, X3 should be in the position shown on the diagram. X3 is responsible for defending the area around and near the foul-lane area. The wing players X1 and X2, the guards, are responsible for the weak-side medium and low areas near the basket whenever the ball is on the opposite side of the court. X4 is your power forward and X5 the center. These two should probably be your two best defensive rebounders Against taller teams, X1, X2, and X3 should play the ball, two-teaming when possible. This zone is weakest in the side and medium pivot areas when the opposing team has a good pivot player. In such cases, X1, X2, and X3 must help rebound. The back of the zone is vulnerable to quick movement from the corners and is weak underneath, and behind the front line should the front line be slow in retreating.
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